Friday 25 October 2013

Giant George the Former World's Tallest Dog - Died at 7.

He was truly larger than life.
Giant George, a 5-foot-tall, 245-pound, passed away last week, one month before his 8th birthday. He made headlines when Guiness World Records named him the world's tallest dog in 2010.

In his 7 short years, Giant George won the world record and appeared in different show like oprah, the today show and Good morning America. He was even the subject of the book Giant George : Life with the World's Biggest Dog by his owner, Dave Nasser.

"We appreciate the love and support you have given Giant George over the last several years. We look forward to honoring his spirit by continuing his charitable works," Team Giant George wrote in a recent blog post.
To honor his life, the Giant George team is asking animal lovers to donate to or volunteer for their favorite animal cause or organization on November 17, which would have been George's 8th birthday. Check out the Giant George Facebook page to see how you can pay tribute to the beloved canine.
  Friday, October 25, 2013  ,   
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