Monday 19 August 2013

15 Reasons Why You Should Eat Fruit Every Day No Matter What

1. Fruit Lowers Your Weight

Studies have shown that increased fruit consumption is tied to lower body weight and a lower risk of obesity-associated diseases. Dr. David Ludwig from the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children’s Hospital says that there is no such thing as eating too much fruit. The sugars in fruit are nowhere near as harmful as sugars found in unhealthy snacks and drinks

2. Fruit Sugars = Slow Releasing

You may have heard that four apples contain the same amount of sugar as 24 ounces of soda, but the slow rate of absorption minimizes any surge in blood sugar. Sugars from fruit enter the bloodstream slowly, giving the liver more time to metabolize them. Therefore, the sugars found in fruit are certainly not the harmful type!
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MDL  Monday, August 19, 2013    
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